Raymondskill Falls: A Winter Waterfall Excursion
We have had little rain this Fall and creek levels have been unusually low. Northeastern PA did accumulate a few inches of snow, followed by a brief warm up and a refreeze. The snowmelt raised the creeks briefly so I decided to make this December 28, 2016 trip. Debra had some commitments that kept her at home, so I started this trip solo.
Icy steep trails required a lot of caution. When I arrived at the parking area for Raymondskill Falls I found a sheet of ice. Fortunately, I parked in a nearby small melted out pull-off. Later a confident driver pulled his Toyota 4wd to the center of the fairly level parking area and stopped. His stopped vehicle began a slow side-ways slide and 90 degree rotation! It took many tries but he did finally get his vehicle off the ice.

The walk into Raymondskill Falls is on a well-built, but steep, trail Icy spots made it a little tricky as I skirted the parking area and headed to the Falls.
I planned this trip because I had scheduled relatively minor surgery for the New Year. I wanted to have some photographs to work with during recovery This post is the result. Take a look at the new photos and get back to me with any questions or comments you may have. Thanks for viewing.