The Most Photographed Barn In the World
Photographing the John Moulton Barn in the Tetons
Mormon Row is a cluster of 27 abandoned homesteads built by Mormon families in the early 1900's . John Moulton committed years to the construction of the barn photographed below. This area is now included in The Grand Teton National Park. Photographers from around the world travel to take photos of this iconic structure with the majestic Teton Mountain range in the background. In September/October 2023, I decided to join their ranks and photograph the John Moulton Barn. It proved to be a rough and tumble effort. The scene is best photographed at sunrise. Each of 3 mornings I arrived to cold (25 F) temps and dark starry skies. By dawn 20 to 50 others had also arrived to take thier best shot.

The below image is of the homestead directly north of the John Moulton Barn. It is the furthest north of all the homesteads. I took this photo on the coldest and frostiest morning, just as the first sunrays hit the peaks. The thick fog layer lies above the Snake River.

T.A. Moulton, built this much photographed barn about 1/4 mile south of the John Moulton barn. John was his brother. Unlike the above photos, this one was taken on a bright sunshiney afternoon, not ideal conditions.